Display wooden house for interchangeable decoration elements

Display wooden house for interchangeable decoration elements
All year round decoration, front of a wooden house in Scandinavian style with large roof display for wooden signs, interchangeable interior decoration, door signs, door hangers, motifs for every season and specific occasions
Here you can sort the following products and choose between a box or list view.
Bundle wooden display wooden house dark red for interchangeable motifs + snowman motif set, 23x7x25.5 cm

Bundle wooden display wooden house dark red for interchangeable motifs + snowman motif set, 23x7x25.5 cm

Bundle wooden display wooden house dark red for interchangeable motifs + snowman motif set, 23x7x25.5 cm (copy)

Bundle wooden display wooden house dark red for interchangeable motifs + snowman motif set, 23x7x25.5 cm (copy)

Christmas motif set, 8 pieces, for the large wooden house display

Christmas motif set, 8 pieces, for the large wooden house display

Easter addon set with 2 Easter bunnies, carrots, Easter eggs, 10 pieces, for display house

Easter addon set with 2 Easter bunnies, carrots, Easter eggs, 10 pieces, for display house

snowman motif set, 7 pieces, for the display wooden house

snowman motif set, 7 pieces, for the display wooden house

Wooden display wooden basket for interchangeable plug-in motifs, 2 sides brown/white, 20x1.5x12 cm (copy)

Wooden display wooden basket for interchangeable plug-in motifs, 2 sides brown/white, 20x1.5x12 cm (copy)

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