Aarikka Tonttus and Pakkanen

Aarikka Tonttus and Pakkanen
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Aarikka KORISTELIJA Tonttu red with silver X-mas decoration, h 11 cm

Aarikka KORISTELIJA Tonttu red with silver X-mas decoration, h 11 cm

Aarikka Ahmattitonttu with spoon, red, h 18 cm, table decoration

Aarikka Ahmattitonttu with spoon, red, h 18 cm, table decoration

Aarikka Easter door light green, decorated, h 16 cm

Aarikka Easter door light green, decorated, h 16 cm

Aarikka Elf Ballerina, h 9 cm, red

Aarikka Elf Ballerina, h 9 cm, red

Aarikka elf door Winter Door white, decorated, 12x16x7 cm

Aarikka elf door Winter Door white, decorated, 12x16x7 cm

Aarikka Elf girl jingle bells, h 9 cm, red

Aarikka Elf girl jingle bells, h 9 cm, red

Aarikka Elf House decorated with Tonttus and sledge

Aarikka Elf House decorated with Tonttus and sledge

Aarikka Elf jingle bells, h 9 cm, red

Aarikka Elf jingle bells, h 9 cm, red

Aarikka Frost Elf Ballerina, h 9 cm

Aarikka Frost Elf Ballerina, h 9 cm

Aarikka Frost Elf Hilda, h 9 cm

Aarikka Frost Elf Hilda, h 9 cm

Aarikka HELINÄ Pakkanen with bell, h 9 cm

Aarikka HELINÄ Pakkanen with bell, h 9 cm

Aarikka HELISTÄJÄ Pakkanen MAGNET white with bell

Aarikka HELISTÄJÄ Pakkanen MAGNET white with bell

Aarikka Helmi Pakkanen white with neclace h 9 cm

Aarikka Helmi Pakkanen white with neclace h 9 cm

Aarikka JOULUTORTTU Pakkanen white with X-mas cake, h 11 cm

Aarikka JOULUTORTTU Pakkanen white with X-mas cake, h 11 cm

Aarikka Kalastaja with fishing rod, red, h 18 cm, table decoration

Aarikka Kalastaja with fishing rod, red, h 18 cm, table decoration

Aarikka Kutoja Pakkanen with knitting, h 11 cm

Aarikka Kutoja Pakkanen with knitting, h 11 cm

Aarikka LAKKI Pakkanen with winter cap, h 9 cm

Aarikka LAKKI Pakkanen with winter cap, h 9 cm

Aarikka Lempitonttu with heart h 9 cm

Aarikka Lempitonttu with heart h 9 cm

Aarikka MUSA Pakkanen with headset, white, h 9 cm

Aarikka MUSA Pakkanen with headset, white, h 9 cm

Aarikka Omaenkeli big angel blue h 10 cm

Aarikka Omaenkeli big angel blue h 10 cm

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