Figures by Nordika Design

Figures by Nordika Design
Here you can sort the following products and choose between a box or list view.
1 tea warmer candle holder simply, terracotta

1 tea warmer candle holder simply, terracotta

Nordika felt flower red

Nordika felt flower red

Nordika felt flower gelb

Nordika felt flower gelb

wood plug number 0

wood plug number 0

1 tea warmer candle holder simply, natur with komet

1 tea warmer candle holder simply, natur with komet

1 tea warmer candle holder simply, natur with cherries

1 tea warmer candle holder simply, natur with cherries

Nordika flower red/rose with face. 5 mm wood plug

Nordika flower red/rose with face. 5 mm wood plug

small, grey sheep (copy)

small, grey sheep (copy)

Nordika hanging boy red with present

Nordika hanging boy red with present

felt angel white hanging

felt angel white hanging

Nordika Shepherd

Nordika Shepherd

Swedish gnome girl with striped scarf, light grey/red h 13 cm

Swedish gnome girl with striped scarf, light grey/red h 13 cm

Swedish Tonttu with lantern, red, h 14 cm, without wood plug

Swedish Tonttu with lantern, red, h 14 cm, without wood plug

Tomte Santa girl sitting with gift, knitted hat, h 13 cm, red

Tomte Santa girl sitting with gift, knitted hat, h 13 cm, red

Tomte Santa girl sitting with gift, knitted hat, h 13 cm, red

Tomte Santa girl sitting with gift, knitted hat, h 13 cm, red

Swedish gnome girl with striped scarf, red/white h 14 cm

Swedish gnome girl with striped scarf, red/white h 14 cm

Nordika grandpa with fingers, 10 cm

Nordika grandpa with fingers, 10 cm

Nordika grandma with fingers, 10 cm

Nordika grandma with fingers, 10 cm

Tomte Santa with a sack, h 14 cm, red

Tomte Santa with a sack, h 14 cm, red

1 gnome sitting with harmonica

1 gnome sitting with harmonica

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