figures for small rings (11,5/16

1 small Chinese, yellow

1 small couple knitting gnoms red

1 small heart red

1 small wooden bird with dots, dark brown

1 small wooden bird with dots, dark grey

1 small wooden bird, lime green

1 Sweden boy, 6 cms

1 wood plug 'Mini bird', white

1 wood plug 'small daisies' white

1 wood plug 'small egg', black with dots

1 wood plug 'small Elk', brown

1 wood plug 'small Elk', dark grey

1 wood plug 'small Elk', red

1 wood plug 'small fir tree' dark green

1 wood plug 'small fir tree' dark orange

1 wood plug 'small fir tree' red brown

1 wood plug 'small Fir', gold

1 wood plug 'small Fir', red

1 wood plug 'small Fir', white